Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sometimes I am like

'Okay these are my tasks.' These are the things. I want to get them done and so maybe I will and then I'll get to feel like one of those productive types. Acha fine. But then I find myself doing these things in exactly the most irresponsible order. For instance, last Sunday I was in the shower remembering how I wanted to clean the bathroom and finish painting the walls in my room. I am inside the shower, thinking about how I should have done these household tasks first and instead now it is like oof. Even if you were ambitious enough to do three things today (shower, clean, paint) it won't count one hundred percent because you ended up doing it in this faltu order. I get out of the shower, lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling fan for 20 minutes because this is generally what I do and because I do not like to move fast after shower. I realize that my habits all together are not that productive and then what is a habit anyway. Then I do some stream of consciousness about how my inability to do things right and make my meals cute-looking, accessorizing with bread etc have really shaped my character and perhaps how logically deprived those who do not often get to experience loss of productivity really are i.e. How to Let Yourself Feel Better in five seconds or less. Some gain from what they see as self-improvement and others gain from playing handgames with other peoples' illustrious stereotype of themselves(aka shittin on your whole life, amirite?!). Anyway, the point is not for me to be a rudegurl about people who like to think they have their shit together. If you like having your shit together and champion remembering to brush your teeth AFTER you drink orange juice then... go from me because you don't exist. Also why. Just generally in all things why. More specifically.... Why has this blog post been able to go on for so long? Why haven't I mentioned that I'm a brown lady with some brown missing?? Isn't that the only reason we read your poorly designed blog anyway #vitiligopoetry????

Basically I plan on blogging more regularly and less about laundry detergent or whatever this post was about in the near futch. It's also been brought to my attention that I might want to define what a [popsicle] piccolo is before some hip new yorker overhears and creates a whatshouldwecallmepiccolo tumblr and my one job prospect is ruined. To begin, I leave you with a piccolo of the day:

stolen from here

1 comment:

  1. sometimes ur like "lazy" , and that "sometimes" happens quite frequently, almost everyday.. like daily laziness.. and a bath makes u feel u have cleaned urself of it untill the very next day when ur dirty again and saw that ur room is still messy with the laundry even more mounting up.. thats okay... ur not the only one... alot other people are dirty and lazy too.. for example, junkies!!! :P ha ha ha... love u sumi weebs.. :*
